Thursday, December 20, 2012

Who Moves? Who Stays Put? Where’s Home?

 “Home is the nicest word there is.” - Laura Ingalls Wilder
It has been almost three months since I last posted.  I always thought once my kids were grown and out of the house I would have all this extra fee time on my hands…but not so much!  Life just takes you from one set of tasks to another according to the role you are playing at the time. 
Since I last wrote, I prepared my home with plans to sell.  That plan got re-routed to “we will reconsider in the spring”.   The holiday season is simply not a good time, not to mention the fact that the minute I seriously considered all that was involved and leaving my home of 11 years, I started getting very cold feet.  This is the only home I have lived in since my grandchildren were born and even though I know that even if I move, my house will always be a place where they can come and be themselves, relax, and make memories, I want some stability for them that the modern world just doesn’t offer.
Nobody stays put anymore!  When I was growing up (OK, it wasn’t THAT long ago, 70’s), very rarely did the neighbors move away, and if you did get a glance of a for sale sign in someone’s yard it always started speculation of what must have happened!  It wasn’t a matter of just moving because you were tired of the house in which you lived; it was usually because of a major life event.  For the most part, people stayed put, people knew their neighbors, they helped each other, and if you couldn’t count on anything else in the world, you could count on sleeping under the same roof, in the same room, same bed, and your home was the most familiar thing in your life.  I want my home to be one of the most familiar things in my grandchildren’s lives.
About 40 million people move annually in the US. Nearly 3/4 of the US population moves an average of once every 5 years.  (  I started off on this trend but as I grow older I long for the security I had as a child and I want at least a little of that for the little ones I have around my knees now.
As Christmas draws near and people run to and fro, I strive to stay closer to home;  this year we are spending less money, giving away a little more, spending more time with friends, and winding down.  I am reminded of the things I remember about Christmas’ past; the endless tins of cookies, divinity and fudge; a comfortable home decorated with things of the season;  and the Christmas Eve outing to look at Christmas lights only to come home and find out that once again Santa had come while we were away.   Those are simple, sweet memories that will always stay with me, and I hope the loved ones that come after me will remember or hear of some I created.
Use wisdom and understanding to establish your home; let good sense fill the rooms with priceless treasures. - Proverbs 24.3,4

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